Sunday, May 26, 2013

City Nightlife - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

City Nightlife - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme - Business Corporate

City Nightlife – 1 Theme, Incredible Possibilities – 100% HTML5, CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Design, CrossBrowser and Mobile.

Theme Support Forum
Video Tutorials

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What kind of website do you need?

Don’t matter. With the City Nightlife theme you can build many types of portals: Corporate, Personal, Photography, Portfolio, Magazine, Education, Sport and so on!

Complete and responsive multi-purpose theme

City Nightlife is a complete and responsive multi-purpose theme, developed using HTML5 & CSS3. It’s full responsive design using Twitter Bootstrap, working fine with texts, images and videos. The theme is CrossBrowser compatible with all major browsers. Support your browser IE, Safari, Chrome or Firefox.

Designers can use one of our 10 suggestion themes. Change between wide and boxed layout. Choose 20 patterns and 20 backgrounds for boxed layout. Try change the theme colors using 20 colors skins, 20 menu colors and 40 headers background.

Multi-Purpose Theme

Cool Stuff can be used as a personal website, jobs portal, games portal recipes portal, news portal, events portal, music and video portal or magazine. Additional pages can be easily created with the existing elements, we have prepared some portals suggestions for you!

Cross Browsing

The template is compatible with the most popular web browsers. We’ve ensured that it will look great and work fine regardless of the version of your browser.

Cross Browsing Theme

Responsive Theme

Coding Standards Theme
Coding Standards

If you are a developer, the City Nightlife code are clean, indented and readable, we always use design patterns and web standards.


The theme comes with an extensive documentation with snapshots to help you get started immediately.

Theme Documentation

Responsive Theme

Theme Support

First of all thanks for purchasing one of our files, we hope that you like our theme. You are always welcome to contact us with your comments or questions related to our theme.

All our themes comes with an extensive help file with videos to help you understand how it works. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at Support Forum.

City Nightlife Great Numbers


A lot of combinations! Use your imagination to build your layout.

    • 100% CSS3

    • 100% HTML 5

    • 100% Responsive

    • 100% Twitter Bootstrap

    • 1 Especial Sitemap

    • 3 Sliders

    • 4 Search Areas


    • 9 Headers layout

    • 10 Home Suggestions

    • 16 Best Google Fonts

    • 20 Backgrounds

    • 20 Menu Colors

    • 20 Patterns


    • 20 Colors Skins

    • 21 Pages

    • 24 Widgets

    • 28 Short Codes

    • 40 Headers Background

    • 302 icons – Font Awesome

And Much More

The newest technology working together to build your portal site, business site or personal site!

    • Wide layouts

    • Boxed layouts

    • Retina Ready


    • LessHat

    • Clean Code

    • Code validated


    • CrossBrowser

    • Many animations

    • Well Documented

Some of City Nightlife pages

What you want to show? Choose one page and show it quickly!

    • 3 single pages

    • 3 FAQ types

    • 404 Error

    • Blog

    • Shop


    • Members

    • Services

    • Portfolio

    • Gallery


    • Sitemap

    • Videos

    • Contact Us

    • Login Page


Put one of the 24 widgets where you want and build a new page!

    • Archive

    • Articles

    • Balloon

    • Advertising

    • Comments

    • Cities Menu

    • Contact Form

    • Banners Group


    • Tabs

    • Tags

    • Newsletter

    • Best Video

    • Testimonials

    • Social Icons

    • Social Buttons

    • Social Counter


    • Top Musics

    • Top Videos

    • Flickr Photos

    • Stacked Menu

    • Popular Products

    • Upcoming Events

    • Facebook Like Us

    • More Questions?

ShortCodes to:

Snippets to do your day more profitable!

    • QR Code

    • Google Maps

    • Pricing Table

    • Heading

    • Divider

    • Highlight


    • Boxes

    • Callouts

    • Dropcaps

    • Lightbox

    • Teaser

    • Simple Box


    • Select2

    • Content Box

    • Thought Box

    • Font Awesome

    • Responsive Video

    • Social Media Icons


  • Photos

    • PhotoDune

    • Subtle Patterns

    • The images used on the demo site are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the download file.

  • Resources

    • Initializr

    • Twitter Boostrap

    • Slider Revolution

    • Camera Slideshow

    • Hero Carousel

    • Menu with CSS3 Effects

    • Isotope

    • Modernizr

    • FlexSlider 2

    • Respond


    • Autosize

    • jCarousel

    • jParallax

    • jQuey QR Code

    • jQuery Waypoints

    • Retina.js

    • Selectivizr

    • jQuery Easing

    • jQuery Cookie

    • TinyNav.js


    • LESS Hat

    • prettyPhoto

    • Placeholder

    • GMap3

    • Modernizr

    • Tweet

    • Font Awesome

    • FitVids.js

    • Google Fonts

    • Font Awesome


Version 1.2.4 – May 10th, 2013

- Added search page
- Update skin colors
- Added more 2 skin colors

Version 1.2.3 – May 3rd, 2013

- Added jScrollPane
- Added Select2
- Fixed problem with popup login
- Added more 2 patterns and 2 backgrounds
- Added more 2 menu colors

Version 1.2.2 – April 29th, 2013

- Update color skins
- Added jQuey DataTables
- Fixed small bugs

Version 1.2.1 – April 26th, 2013

- Fixed issue with menu on resize page (boxed mode)
- Fixed issue bootstrap tables overflowing with long unspaced text
- Update contact page layout
- Added working ajax php contact form
- Added comments to blog post

Version 1.2 – April 23th, 2013

- Fixed several issues with IE9
- Changed "switcher.js" and "switcher.css" files names to "style-switcher.js"
and "style-switcher.css"
- Update Style Switcher - Font Select

Version 1.1 – April 22th, 2013

- Fixed several issues with IE8 and better the page speed
- Update language selector
- Update all colors skins
- Change spacing in row bottom from 40px to 50px
- Fixed bug with ticker (footer tweet scroll)
- Added about page

Version 1.0 – April 18th, 2013

- Initial Release

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