Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lavender - One Page Wedding Template

Lavender - One Page Wedding Template - Events Entertainment



Lavender is one page site template which is designed for weddings. If you drop some other content it can be suitable for any other purpose. It’s created using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. With a responsive design it will easily fit on any device screen and it comes in boxed and wide layout!

Lavender site template works fine in all major browsers and IE8+. It’s powered by jQuery and you will notice nice page animations and discreet interactivity. Code is clearly written and there are comments for each considerable part.

Php/AJAX RSVP form is included in this template, with confirmation message and Auto-reply Email. Be free to try form in live demo, your data are not saved anywhere and it’s sent to non existing email address.

Check out the Live Demo and play with colors and pattern backgrounds.

  • Html5 / Css3 – 100% valid by W3C
  • Fully Responsive!
  • Boxed and Wide Layout
  • jQuery + Easing plugin
  • Color Themes / Pattern backgrounds
  • PrettyPhoto lightbox
  • Fully layered PSD
  • Clear Documentation
  • Bonus File
  • and more…

Contains folders (sorted alphabetically):
  1. Bonus – Small bonus gift in appreciation
  2. Documentation – Documentation for Lavender site template
  3. Lavender Boxed – Main folder for Boxed version
  4. Lavender Wide – Main folder for Wide version
  5. Preview – Envato preview files (contains Themes Panel)
  6. PSD – Lavender Photoshop file


  • pixabay.com
  • 2sistersphotopro on Flickr

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